Integrated View

What is Integrated View ?

"An integrated view refers to a comprehensive and unified perspective that incorporates various Systems, Business , IT , Infra , Data components, elements or perspectives into a single pane. It involves combining multiple parts or aspects to create a unified understanding or representation or visualization. 
In various industries  and domains, an integrated view often involves bringing together diverse information, data, or knowledge from multiple sources or disciplines to form a holistic understanding. By integrating different perspectives or components, it becomes possible to gain a more complete picture or insight into a complex system, concept, or problem.
For example, in business management, an integrated view may involve considering various aspects of an organization, such as its operations, marketing, finance, and human resources, to develop a comprehensive strategy. In urban planning, an integrated view may involve considering social, economic, and environmental factors to create sustainability & mitigate risk factors. In software development, an integrated view may involve combining different software modules or components to create a cohesive and functional system.
An integrated view emphasizes the importance of considering and incorporating various factors, perspectives, or components to achieve a more holistic and comprehensive understanding or solution, which is a major missing factor in many organizations today for any informed or data driven decisions for any stake holders & CXOs in organization. "

How integrated view works ?

By establishing an integrated view, organizations  can gain several benefits, including improved decision-making, increased operational efficiency, enhanced collaboration, reduced data duplication and errors, monitor for better customer and employee experiences.
It enables organizations  to have a unified understanding of their operations and facilitates data-driven insights and actions.n an enterprise context, an integrated view refers to the consolidation and harmonization of various systems, processes, and data sources within an organization.
It involves bringing together disparate components and information to create a unified and comprehensive view that enables better decision-making, efficiency, and collaboration.

Here's how an integrated view works:
Data Integration: Enterprises typically have multiple systems and databases that hold valuable data across different departments and functions. An integrated view involves integrating and consolidating data from these sources into a central data repository or data warehouse. This enables a holistic view of enterprise-wide data and facilitates analysis, reporting, and decision-making based on a single source of truth.
System Integration: Organizations often use a variety of software systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), human resources management (HRM), supply chain management (SCM) & many other systems. Integrating these systems allows for seamless data flow and interoperability, enabling efficient processes and eliminating silos. For example, integrating CRM with ERP can provide a unified view of customer information and order history.
Move from App centric to Data centric : Organizations may use a mix of legacy applications, custom-built solutions, and cloud-based applications. An integrated view involves connecting and integrating these applications to ensure smooth data exchange and workflow automation. This integration can be achieved through graph solutions shifting from APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), middleware, or integration platforms to RDF based platform that facilitate communication and data synchronization between applications.
Process Integration: Organization often have complex business processes that span multiple departments and systems. An integrated view helps streamline and optimize these processes by mapping and integrating data and activities across different stages. This enables end-to-end visibility and control, reduces manual effort, and enhances efficiency. our smart & hyper automations play a crucial role in achieving process integration.
User Interface Integration: An integrated view aims to provide a unified user interface or dashboard that consolidates information from various systems and data sources. This allows users to access and interact with integrated data in a cohesive manner, reducing the need to switch between different applications or interfaces. Customizable dashboards, like those offered by Grafana Enterprise, can provide a single pane of glass for visualizing and analyzing integrated data.
Security and Access Control: Integrating systems and data sources requires careful consideration of security and access control measures. Enterprises must implement robust authentication, authorization, and data protection mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access and manipulate integrated data. Role-based access control (RBAC), data encryption, and secure network protocols are some of the security measures commonly employed.

Importance of Integrated View in Organizations?

The importance of an integrated view lies in its ability to provide a holistic and comprehensive understanding of complex systems, problems, or situations.
Please find below are some few key reasons for importance of integrated view & its impact for organizations to have right decisions at right time rather than doing only Analytics; 
Comprehensive Understanding: An integrated view allows for a more complete understanding of a subject by considering multiple perspectives, components, or factors. By integrating various sources of information, data, or knowledge, it helps to avoid fragmented or limited views and provides a more accurate and comprehensive picture.
Decision-Making: Making informed decisions requires considering various factors and their interrelationships. An integrated view enables decision-makers to evaluate the potential impacts and trade-offs across different dimensions, helping them make more effective and well-rounded decisions. It reduces the risk of making decisions based on partial or isolated information.
Problem Solving: Many real-world problems are complex and multifaceted, involving interactions among different elements or systems. An integrated view helps in identifying the underlying causes, dependencies, and connections between different components of a problem. This facilitates a more effective approach to problem-solving and supports the development of comprehensive solutions.
Efficiency and Optimization: By integrating and consolidating data, systems, or processes, an integrated view can improve operational efficiency and streamline workflows. It eliminates duplicate efforts, reduces manual data handling, and enables seamless information flow across different parts of an organization. This leads to enhanced productivity, cost savings, and optimized resource utilization.
Collaboration and Communication: An integrated view promotes collaboration and communication among stakeholders with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. It provides a common framework and shared understanding, facilitating effective communication and alignment of goals. It helps break down silos and promotes cross-functional collaboration, enabling teams to work together towards shared objectives.
Performance Monitoring and Evaluation: Integrated views are essential for monitoring and evaluating the performance of systems, processes, or projects. By integrating relevant metrics, data, and feedback from various sources, it becomes easier to assess the overall performance, identify areas for improvement, and measure progress towards goals. This supports evidence-based decision-making and continuous improvement.
Strategic Planning: Integrated views play a crucial role in strategic planning by considering multiple dimensions and future scenarios. They help organizations assess the potential impacts of different strategies or decisions on various aspects of the business, such as operations, finances, customers, and market trends. This enables organizations to develop more robust and adaptable strategic plans.
Root Cause Analysis: Intregrated view solutions helps to visualize & identify cause for issues or problems. With integrating with existing systems, data  & process we can easily carry out RCA process in conjunction with certain techniques &  graph platforms

What type of systems that we can connect to bring up Integrated view ?

To establish an integrated view, you typically need to bring together multiple systems and sources of data or information from various domains within an organization. The specific systems and sources may vary depending on the nature of the organization and its operations.
Here are some common systems and sources that are often involved in creating an integrated view:
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System:
An ERP system integrates various functions such as finance, accounting, human resources, supply chain, and operations. It provides a centralized database and enables data sharing and coordination across different departments.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System:
 A CRM system manages customer data, interactions, and relationships. It consolidates customer information from various touchpoints and departments, such as sales, marketing, and customer support.
Data Warehouses / lakes:
 Data warehouses / lakes are repositories that consolidate data from different sources, such as databases, applications, and external systems. They serve as a centralized storage for integrated data, facilitating analysis, reporting, and decision-making.
 Various databases may hold crucial data for an integrated view, such as customer data, sales data, inventory data, and more. These databases can be relational databases (e.g., MySQL, Oracle) or specialized databases like time series databases (e.g., InfluxDB, Prometheus) for handling specific data types.
Operational Systems : 
 Operational systems include software and databases used for day-to-day operations. For example, manufacturing systems, inventory management systems, logistics systems, and point-of-sale systems generate and store operational data that may be relevant to the integrated view.
External Data Sources:
 External data sources provide additional context and insights for an integrated view. These sources can include market data, economic indicators, industry benchmarks, social media data, and publicly available datasets. Integration with external APIs or data providers may be required to access and incorporate this data.
Cloud Platforms: 
Many organizations utilize cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). These platforms host applications, store data, and provide services. Integrating data from cloud-based systems or extracting insights from cloud-hosted analytics services can contribute to an integrated view.
Internet of Things (IoT) Devices:
 IoT devices generate real-time data from sensors, machines, or equipment. Incorporating data from IoT devices can provide valuable insights into operational efficiency, equipment performance, or environmental conditions.
Legacy Systems:
 Organizations may have legacy systems that contain valuable historical data. Integrating data from these systems is important to capture the complete historical perspective and enable analysis alongside data from modern systems.
Analytics and Business Intelligence Tools: 
Tools like business intelligence platforms, data visualization tools, and analytics software contribute to an integrated view by enabling data exploration, analysis, and visualization from multiple sources.

How we implement Integrated view ?

We at aarth help our clients with packed solutions , which includes graph based technologies like Eccenca , neo4j  & we use Grafana to bring integrated view. we  offer expertise, guidance, and support in various aspects of implementing and leveraging Grafana for an integrated view. Aarth expertise are  trusted advisors, leveraging our expertise in Grafana and enterprise integration to guide and support enterprise companies throughout the implementation and maintenance journey. we ensure that the integrated view using Grafana is effectively established, optimized, and aligned with the specific needs and goals of the enterprise.

Some Industry wide uses ?

Retail Industry:

Accurate Sales Analysis: Integrating data from point-of-sale systems, inventory management systems, and customer data sources can provide a holistic view of sales performance, inventory levels, and customer behavior. This helps retailers identify trends, optimize inventory, and personalize marketing efforts.
Supply Chain Management: Integrating data from suppliers, logistics systems, and inventory systems allows retailers to track the movement of goods, optimize supply chain processes, and ensure timely delivery to meet customer demands.

Healthcare Industry:

Patient Care and Monitoring: Integrating data from electronic health records, medical devices, and patient monitoring systems provides a comprehensive view of patient health. It enables healthcare providers to monitor patient conditions, identify potential risks, and deliver personalized care.
Population Health Management: Integrating data from various healthcare providers, public health agencies, and insurance claims allows for population-level analysis. It helps identify health trends, target interventions, and optimize resource allocation for improved healthcare outcomes.

Manufacturing Industry:

Production Optimization: Integrating data from manufacturing equipment, IoT devices, and quality control systems enables real-time monitoring of production processes. It helps identify bottlenecks, optimize production efficiency, and ensure product quality.
Predictive Maintenance: Integrating data from sensors, maintenance systems, and historical maintenance records supports predictive maintenance. It allows manufacturers to anticipate equipment failures, schedule maintenance proactively, and minimize downtime.

Financial Services Industry:

Risk Management: Integrating data from various sources, including market data, customer profiles, and transaction history, supports risk assessment and mitigation. It helps financial institutions identify potential risks, detect fraud, and comply with regulatory requirements.
Customer Analytics: Integrating data from customer touchpoints, CRM systems, and transactional data enables a 360-degree view of customers. It allows financial institutions to personalize customer experiences, cross-sell products, and improve customer satisfaction.

Energy and Utilities Industry:

Energy Consumption Monitoring: Integrating data from smart meters, grid infrastructure, and weather data enables real-time monitoring of energy consumption patterns. It helps utilities identify energy-saving opportunities, optimize distribution, and manage peak demand.
Asset Management: Integrating data from sensors, maintenance systems, and asset registers allows utilities to monitor and manage their infrastructure assets effectively. It facilitates predictive maintenance, extends asset lifecycles, and reduces downtime.

Transportation and Logistics Industry:

Fleet Management: Integrating data from GPS tracking systems, vehicle sensors, and maintenance records enables real-time fleet monitoring. It helps optimize route planning, reduce fuel consumption, and improve delivery efficiency.
Supply Chain Visibility: Integrating data from suppliers, logistics partners, and inventory systems provides end-to-end visibility across the supply chain. It helps identify bottlenecks, optimize logistics operations, and improve overall supply chain efficiency.