
Graph technology has emerged as a problem solver for real-world problem statements in the manufacturing industry by improving efficiency, visibility in production processes, cost optimization, route path for innovations, and so on. Its ability to combine data in silos, automate complex processes, and quickly and efficiently analyze large amounts of data not only in existing systems but also from the semantic layer, it enables organizations to unlock valuable insights and make informed decisions in real-time.


Manufacturing Process Optimization (Complete transparency & visibility on process)

If We talk to any process expert in the manufacturing industry, we see transparency as a major challenge & one of the major prerequisites for process optimization. Transparency not only increases visibility but also forms the basis on which all key decisions are taken. In simple language, it translates to, the more information available about manufacturing processes, the more accurate decisions can be made and the easier it becomes to optimize the manufacturing process. Each machine or device generates a large amount of data which if integrated into the graph model describing each physical component and device in one knowledge graph, allows a very user-friendly and complete process monitoring. It will also help in understanding which processes to optimize, increasing yield and reducing defects in production. Graph technology is a data representation method that can be used to optimize the manufacturing process. By using graph technology, manufacturers can model the complex relationships between various aspects of the manufacturing process, such as materials, equipment, and production steps. Manufacturing process optimization is a crucial aspect of the manufacturing industry as it helps to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase product quality. Knowledge graphs can play a significant role in optimizing the manufacturing process by providing a structured and visual representation of the knowledge and relationships between various aspects of the process. On other hand, RDF, or Resource Description Framework, is a standard for modelling data as a graph, making it well-suited for use in manufacturing process optimization. By using RDF, manufacturers can represent their data in a way that is flexible, extensible, and can be easily integrated with other data sources even from the semantic layer easily.


Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance is a proactive approach to maintenance that uses data and analytics to predict when equipment is likely to fail so that maintenance can be performed before a failure occurs. Knowledge graphs can play an important role in predictive maintenance by providing a structured way to store and represent complex, interrelated data about equipment, maintenance history, and operating conditions. With knowledge graphs, data from various sources such as sensors, equipment logs, and maintenance records can be integrated and linked together to form a comprehensive understanding of the equipment and its behavior. This data can then be used to build predictive models that can identify patterns and trends that indicate an increased risk of failure. For example, a knowledge graph could link together information about operating temperature, vibration levels, and maintenance history to predict when a particular component is likely to fail. In addition to helping predict failures, knowledge graphs can also support decision-making by providing a clear and concise representation of the information needed to make informed decisions about maintenance. For example, a knowledge graph could be used to show the impact of different maintenance strategies on equipment reliability, cost, and safety. In summary, knowledge graphs can provide a powerful tool for predictive maintenance by enabling the integration, analysis, and visualization of complex and interrelated data. By using knowledge graphs, organizations can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their maintenance processes and reduce the risk of equipment failure. A knowledge graph can be used as a digital twin of a machine or even of an entire production facility. Using a graph, organizations can model each component of a machine, its parameters, relationships to other components, and even alternative parts that could replace it. Each piece becomes a node in the graph with a semantically defined relationship to the others. Running an analysis of this digital model allows companies to identify what could go wrong and proactively intervene.

Data Digital twin for Manufacturing

A data digital twin with knowledge graphs is a virtual representation of a real-world system or process, in which the data and relationships between data entities are modeled using a knowledge graph. This allows for a comprehensive and interconnected view of the system or process and can provide valuable insights into its behavior and performance. In manufacturing, a data digital twin with knowledge graphs can be used to represent the design, production, and quality control processes of a product. The knowledge graph can be used to model the relationships between various components of the product, such as design specifications, production processes, and quality control measures. By using a knowledge graph to represent the digital twin, manufacturers can leverage AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze the data and identify patterns and relationships that may not be immediately obvious. This can provide valuable insights into the product and help improve efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance quality. A data digital twin with knowledge graphs can also be easily updated as new data and information become available, allowing manufacturers to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and improve their processes over time. In Industry a data digital twin with knowledge graphs can provide manufacturers with a powerful tool for optimizing their operations, improving product quality, and increasing efficiency. By Providing an abstraction layer for data. Since data are heterogeneous, up to 80% of the data scientist’s time is spent on retrieving data, rather than on their core tasks. Our approach provides a single interface to access all data in a uniform way;• formal modelling of data, information, and knowledge in a knowledge graph. Data, information & knowledge are modeled according to the problem domain, rather than the technical solution or representation of data. Exploration and querying tools allow data scientists to acquire data, information & knowledge about domain concepts such as part, machine, operation, etc., and allow a common understanding of the domain between data engineers, production engineers, and date scientists; reasoning about knowledge. As knowledge is made explicit and formalized in a knowledge graph, this opens up possibilities of (automated) reasoning to generate new knowledge. While there are several possibilities (e.g., ontological reasoning, translation to Bayesian networks, etc.)

Supply Chain visibility & improve efficiency

Supply chain visibility refers to the ability to track the movement of goods and materials through the supply chain, from the manufacturer to the end consumer. Knowledge graphs can be used to support this process by storing and analyzing large sets of data on the movement of goods, suppliers, and the relationships between them. In supply chain visibility, knowledge graphs can be used to represent the complex relationships between products, suppliers, transportation, and other related entities. Graph databases can also be used to store and analyze large sets of data from the supply chain, such as inventory levels, shipping information, and production data. This can help companies understand the flow of goods through the supply chain, identify bottlenecks, and make decisions about where to invest in improvements. Graph databases can be used to integrate data from various sources such as sensor data, electronic records, and external databases. Knowledge graphs can be used to support the implementation of SCOR by storing huge multi-dimensional data. Using knowledge graphs in SCOR can help companies more effectively analyze and understand complex data sets, identify potential issues in the supply chain, and make more informed decisions about supply chain operations. This can help to improve supply chain efficiency and support compliance with regulatory requirements








Reduce time & network load of Device data to Cloud

As more and more devices are connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), the volume of data generated by these devices is increasing rapidly. This presents a significant challenge for businesses looking to collect, process, and analyze this data in a timely and efficient manner. One solution to this challenge is to use knowledge graphs to reduce the time and network load of device data transmission to the cloud. Knowledge graphs can be used to pre-process data, compress data, and provide contextual analysis, among other things, allowing businesses to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted to the cloud while improving system performance, data quality, and decision-making. In this way, knowledge graphs are becoming an essential tool for businesses looking to make the most of the vast amounts of data generated by IoT devices. In manufacturing, Knowledge graphs are currently used to pre-process the data before it is sent to the cloud. This can involve filtering, cleaning, and transforming the data so that only the most relevant and important information is sent to the cloud. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be transmitted, which in turn reduces the time and network load. Another use is to compress the data that is sent to the cloud. This can involve grouping similar data together and representing it in a more compact form. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be transmitted to the cloud. Intelligently route data to the cloud based on its content and importance. For example, data that is time sensitive or critical can be given priority and sent directly to the cloud, while less important data can be stored locally or sent at a later time. This reduces the time and network load by minimizing the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and ensuring that only the most important data is sent to the cloud. In current scenarios, Knowledge graphs are the most used solution to provide contextual analysis of the device data. This involves understanding the relationships between different pieces of data and using this understanding to extract insights and identify patterns. By doing this, the amount of data that needs to be transmitted can be reduced, as only the most important insights and patterns need to be sent to the cloud.



Improved operational efficiency: Knowledge graphs can help manufacturers identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement in their production processes. By optimizing their production processes, manufacturers can reduce waste, increase efficiency, and achieve cost savings.


Enhanced product quality: Knowledge graphs can help manufacturers identify quality issues in their products, allowing them to make improvements and produce higher-quality products. This can result in improved customer satisfaction, increased sales, and a competitive advantage.


Faster time-to-market: Knowledge graphs can help manufacturers streamline their product development processes, enabling them to bring products to market more quickly. This can be especially beneficial in industries where time-to-market is critical, such as consumer electronics or fashion.


Improved decision-making: Knowledge graphs can provide manufacturers with a comprehensive and interconnected view of their production processes, enabling them to make better decisions. By analyzing data from multiple sources, manufacturers can gain insights that were previously hidden in data silos, allowing them to make data-driven decisions that lead to better outcomes.


Collaboration: Graph technology can support collaboration between different departments and teams by providing a shared source of information and enabling real-time updates and communication


Better supply chain management: Knowledge graphs can help manufacturers manage their supply chains more effectively, improving inventory management, reducing lead times, and ensuring timely delivery of materials and finished goods.

ROI Analysis with KG

Increase efficiency up to 20%- 30% due to integrated search & reduce manual efforts

Increase production by reducing downtime averagely by 18-20%

Bring down Advance analytics cost minimum 28%

Data infra Cost reduced up to 68% on your other data products

Increase reliability with single platform for any type of Use case, LOB, Analytics

Greater Scalability from TB to PB supporting Billions of nodes, relationships & properties.

Increased productivity of 70% with data team & 60% with business team

20x faster & Better Decision making

Accelerate Innovation 10x faster